
A month’s worth of cool science stories, summed up.
Alistair Jennings, Contributor
New research reveals the economic importance of “wool dogs” to the Native American peoples of the Salish Sea.
Tom Metcalfe, Contributor
A new social network map shows a well-connected anti-vaccine movement, now intertwined with coronavirus conspiracy theories.
Marcus Woo, Contributor
Findings suggest sound was not the primary focus of the Stonehenge architects.
Tom Metcalfe, Contributor
Cancer cells become super-charged when exposed to methylmalonic acid, a chemical that builds up in older people's bodies.
Brian Owens, Contributor
Ancient site suggests early humans controlled fire and used plants to ward off insects.
Katharine Gammon, Contributor
The violin players' abilities could shed light on everything from epidemics to the spread of fake news.
Charles Q. Choi, Contributor
A new study shows how self-imposed COVID prevention measures like hand-washing and mask-wearing work to prevent a large outbreak -- if they happen fast.
Katharine Gammon, Contributor
A month’s worth of cool science stories, summed up
Alistair Jennings, Contributor
A new skill for a smart speaker -- Google Home or Amazon’s Alexa may listen for signs of cardiac arrest.
Emilie Lorditch, Contributor
New drone footage catches shark-on-shark predation in action.
Joshua Learn, Contributor
Pendants made from cave bear teeth are among the items found with the earliest modern human fossils in a cave in Bulgaria.
Charles Q. Choi, Contributor