
Enjoy ginormous candy canes, stellar glitter, and visiting (interstellar) neighbors this month.
Abigail Malate, Staff Illustrator
The SETI Institute leads the hunt for extraterrestrials, which has entered a new phase with myriad planets to focus on.
Ramin Skibba, Contributor
Researchers find plausible, alien-free explanation for observations of star KIC 8462852.
Charles Q. Choi, Contributor
Several exoplanets were found before the 1995 discovery that netted Mayor and Didier this year’s physics Nobel. Why weren’t the others honored?
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
New research suggests the interstellar interlopers may indicate the presence of a vast number of as yet undetected giant exoplanets.
Charles Q. Choi, Contributor
The new laureates discovered the first planet orbiting a solar-type star and improved our understanding of how the universe evolved.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Enjoy the start of astronomical autumn with black holes, a comet, star clusters and other stunning images.
Abigail Malate, Staff Illustrator
Planet K2-18b is about twice as wide as Earth and located about 110 light-years away.
Charles Q. Choi, Contributor
Take a tour through the lenses of space telescopes.
Abigail Malate, Staff Illustrator
How you cover a trip to the moon and share the news with the world.
Joel Shurkin, Contributor
A reporter recalls what it was like to cover the space race.
Peter Gwynne, Contributor
Half a century after Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Moon, can NASA recover the sense of adventure that sparked its Cold War triumph?
Peter Gwynne, Contributor