Articles by Emile Lorditch

While Dan Brown’s bestselling-book 'Angels & Demons' is a work of fiction, some of the science depicted in the recently released screen adaptation is actually factual.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
Parallel universes, computers as brains and other strange-but-true storylines from the upcoming season of FRINGE.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
Monitoring earthquakes could help increase accuracy of eruption predictions.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
A type of volcanic lightning was discovered during Mount Redoubt's Jan. 2009 eruption.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
With the possibility of snow, rain, and fog, forecasters will need to provide hourly updates during the 2010 Olympic Games.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
Making movies look more like real life is no easy task for nominees of the Feb. 20 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Scientific and Technical Achievement awards.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
So where does Hollywood find scientific experts when they need one?
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
Top cities for lightning strikes and areas with the most deaths from lightning strikes.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
Local TV's 'station scientists' have diversity of views, education.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
The new season of 'Fringe' focuses on the science of choice.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
When the producer of the film "World War Z" typed the words "zombie ants" into Google's search box, he found exactly what he was looking for.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
The science of deception is on display in new television series.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer