Tess Joosse is a journalist and student in the science communication graduate program at UC Santa Cruz. She grew up in Chicago, studied biology at Oberlin College, and now lives in California. You can find her on Twitter @tessjoosse, where she tweets about writing, baking, and her dog Leo.

Meeri Kim is a science journalist based in Los Angeles. She received her physics Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 2013. Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, Slate.com, Huffington Post, VICE's Tonic, CURE Magazine, and Wareable. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, cooking, and riding her bike. Follow her at @meeri_kim.

Veronica E. Tremblay is an editor and research administrator at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, on the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia, and a graduate student in the MA in Science Writing program at Johns Hopkins University. Veronica enjoys exploring new places, going on desert hikes with her family, and doodling. Her greatest guilty pleasure is ramen noodles.